Considerando el aborto? Conozca los hechos

We're Here to HelpIf you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, you may be considering an abortion as a solution to your situation. Because we care about your health and well-being, we want you to know the facts.

Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life changing event with significant physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion and its risks.

About Abortion

The first pill of a chemical abortion stops the baby’s beating heart. The second day medication causes contractions to expel the baby. This method is used up to 49 days after the last menstrual period and may cause cramping, heavy bleeding, nausea, or vomiting.  A chemical abortion pill reversal may be possible through injections of the natural hormone, progesterone, which will counteract the effects and restore circulation to the preborn baby. Contact your OB/GYN immediately or call 877-558-0333 for help.

Surgery carries risk – especially “invasive” surgery, which involves inserting an instrument into your body. Surgical abortion procedures are invasive, and carry normal surgical risks. Risk is also dependent on the doctor’s proficiency.

A first trimester abortion, from 5 to 12 weeks, starts with a metal rod to open your cervix and the insertion of a tube to vacuum the baby and other tissue out of your uterus.  Pain, bleeding, and feelings of loss may be felt. The late term abortion process, performed 16 to 18 weeks and later, varies according to baby’s age. Generally laminaria are inserted to open the cervix (a one or two day process.) The baby is dismembered and removed from the mother’s uterus. Labor and delivery of a fully formed dead child may occur.  A woman can change her mind after insertion of the laminaria without harming the baby unless the doctor has injected the baby with heart stopping medication. Stopping a baby’s heart prevents a mother from changing her mind.

Following an abortion, relief is a common feeling but it does not always last.  Once a baby is aborted, he or she cannot be brought back to life. Deep feeling of emptiness and sadness may occur immediately or after a period of time. Many women bury the experience, face depression, long for the baby, or suffer lifelong guilt or grief. Most abortion clinics do not help a woman cope with her loss. Pregnancy centers assist with understanding and reconciling guilt and grief after the loss of a child through abortion.

Verify the clinic is staffed with qualified nurses, medical assistants, and doctors. Do the abortion doctors have hospital privileges or are emergency room doctors faced with handling abortion complications.  Does the staff have the required special training, licensing, and certification if anesthesia or sedation is used?  The abortion business can be very profitable and most clinics are owned by non-medical owners or business investors.

 Abortion is not your only option. If not ready or able to parent, adoption offers the opportunity to live and let your baby live. You are in control – you can choose an open, closed, or semi-open adoption and can pick the adoptive family to love and raise your child.  Financial help is available. Parenting is also an option. Many pregnancy centers provide assistance to make parenting easier and make referrals to other agencies to meet your specific needs.

Rape or incest victims are often encouraged to abort their baby. However, abortion adds another layer of hurt and harm to a woman. She has endured terrible trauma and is now being coached into taking the life of her own child.  Abortion is also traumatic – physically and emotionally. Adoption puts her in control. She is empowered to turn a tragedy into a gift of life. If she chooses to parent, she embraces motherhood and wins.

See other Frequently Asked Questions About Abortion.

We offer free and confidential consultation. Our staff is trained to answer your questions about abortion, provide you with abortion facts and discuss the side effects of abortion.

Please contact us by phone: 813-631-4398 or by email: Foundations of Life

We are here to help you with the information and resources you need right now.

We welcome walk–ins or you may set up an appointment to meet with one of our caring, professional staff.

How To Contact Us

  • Use the ‘Get Help Now’ Contact Form
  • Choose the pregnancy center and city closest to you from the ‘Get Help Now’ menu
  • General information – email: or call: 813-631-4398

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