What is Project Rachel?

Project Rachel is a compassionate and confidential ministry which extends God’s unconditional love and forgiveness to women, men, couples, or other family members who have experienced the tragedy of abortion in their lives.  By offering a safe place for those struggling to be reconciled with God and his Church, Project Rachel helps those suffering after their own abortion or the abortion of a loved one to experience mercy, forgiveness and peace. Project Rachel is the Catholic Church’s response to the abortion wound and is a program offered within the Diocese of St. Petersburg, however, all faiths are welcome.

Abortion affects both men and Women. These following programs are available and offer a path to reconciling guilt and grief and beginning a life of living forgiven. Click the links to testimonials to learn about how abortion has affected others. You are not alone.

Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreats
Rachel’s Vineyard, a psychological and spiritual journey of post-abortion healing, was developed as a model for groups by Theresa Karminski Burke, PhD. This retreat utilizes the concept of Living Scripture (St. Ignatius format of prayer) to give comfort to women, men, and couples hurt by abortion.

For more information or to register, email: Project Rachel or call: 813-924-4173.  All calls are confidential. Go to: www.rachelsvineyard.org for other locations and dates throughout the country.
Jenny C’s Project Rachel Testimonial
All Things Bright and New – Journey to Healing Post Abortion Blog

Raphael’s Way Day Retreats and 10-hour Retreats for Men and Women
The story of Tobit and his family is like your abortion recovery within the family; both involve choosing hope, companionship, love, and light over despair, solitude, rejection, and blindness.  Share in God’s healing through Word and Sacrament to free yourself and the family from the guilt, shame, anger, and un-forgiveness associated with abortion. These retreats are scheduled at least twice a year. For more information email:
Project Rachel or call: 813-924-4173. All calls are confidential and non-judgmental.

A Son’s Journey” Raphael’s Way Day Retreat for Men Only
Why a Men’s Retreat? It is known that men are less comfortable expressing vulnerable feelings of grief and loss, instead, they say nothing or become hostile.  With this in mind, the Retreat offers a safe place for men to process their feelings and begin to understand the consequences of abortion as it pertains to their relationships with women is reasonable.  The Retreat Team consists of a specially trained priest, deacon, and post-abortive men who have attended the Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat, participated in the training, and have the heart and desire to share the mercy of God with other men and help them on their journey toward reconciliation.  
Charles Brian’s Testimonial 

Start your journey by taking the Self-Assessment Test Below.

Self-Assessment: The Abortion Wounded Heart?

  1. Do you lack freedom to share your abortion experience with others?
  2. Do you avoid the subject of abortion because you feel like people will see it written across your forehead?
  3. Do you expect bad things to happen to you as punishment for your abortion?
  4. Are you afraid to meet your child in Heaven?
  5. Do you engage in self-punishing attitudes and behaviors?
  6. Are you preoccupied with thoughts surrounding your abortion experience?
  7. Do you work hard to prove you are a good mother or father?
  8. Do you feel like the good promises of God are for other people and not you?
  9. Do you avoid people or situations that remind you of your abortion?
  10. Do you feel like your relationships (or friendships) with men/women are unhealthy?
  11. Do you feel like your friendships with women/men lack depth and authenticity?
  12. Do you feel like you’re all alone with the emotional pain you are feeling?

If you answered ”yes” to any of these questions you are living in unnecessary bondage.
If you are interested in receiving help with these issues ( to live a life in freedom from your past, with a hope for the future), we would love to companion you on this journey through Project Rachel.

At our pregnancy help center, we offer free and confidential services, consultations and resources. 

Beyond Regret Support Group (8 sessions)
One on One Lay Companioning for both men and women
Referrals to a priest for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Referrals to a mental health professional for deeper issues.

How To Contact Us

  • Use the ‘Get Help Now’ Contact Form
  • Choose the pregnancy center and city closest to you from the ‘Get Help Now’ menu
  • General information – email: Project Rachel or call: 813-924-4173