Your Body, Your Choice

About Your Pregnancy:

The age of the baby or Gestational age, is calculated from the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period. The exact date of conception is not exactly known so the first day of the last menstrual period is used to determine how old the baby is.

When a baby is only 18 days into development the heart starts beating. At 5 weeks after the mother’s last menstrual period, there is a brain and spinal column. At 9 weeks, the tiny human being has arms, legs, fingers, toes, eye, ears and brain waves

What can I see on the ultrasound screen? Turn the screen towards me and describe what you see. 

If you’re 6 or 7 weeks from your last menstrual period, you can see a tiny being inside a larger dark round area called the gestational sac.  Look for a small area which is flashing/pulsating quickly – – that’s the baby’s heart beating.   Ask the sonographer to point out what he or she is looking at.   At 8 weeks, you can usually see a head and a body, and parts of little arm and leg buds

Does the Ultrasound machine have sound? Is the volume on? Would I be able to hear a heartbeat?

Most ultrasound machines can pick up the sound of a baby’s heartbeat.  This technology is called doppler.  Ask the sonographer to let you hear the heartbeat.

What is the abortion pill and how does it work?

A chemical abortion starts with a pill which stops the beating heart. A second medication taken the next day will cause contractions to expel the baby. It is used up to 49 days from your last menstrual period.  There may be cramping, heavy bleeding, nausea, and vomiting.  Read more about the morning-after pill.

 If I take the first pill can I change my mind? What can be done to save my baby?

A reversal of the chemical abortion is possible through injections of the natural hormone, progesterone, which will counteract the chemical abortion pill and restore circulation to the preborn baby in your uterus. Contact your OB/GYN immediately or call 877-558-0333 for help finding a doctor.

An early first trimester abortion, from 5 to 12 weeks from your last period, consists of the use of a metal rod to open your cervix and the insertion of a tube which will be used to vacuum the baby and other tissue out of your uterus.  There is pain, bleeding and feelings of loss.

How will the abortion affect future pregnancies?

Surgery carries risk – especially “invasive” surgery, which means it involves inserting an instrument into your body. All surgical abortion procedures are invasive, and do carry a normal surgical risk. Risk is also dependent on the proficiency of the doctor performing the surgery.

What is a late term abortion? Explain the process?

Late term abortions mean any abortion performed after 16 to 18 weeks and later. The process varies according to the age of the baby. Generally laminaria are inserted to open the cervix (this can be a one or two day process.) The baby is dismembered and removed from the woman’s uterus or the woman has to go through labor and delivery of a fully formed dead child.

Can I change my mind after the laminaria are inserted?

A woman can change her mind after the laminaria have been inserted without harming the baby, unless the doctor had injected the baby with a heart stopping medication that takes the life of the baby.

Why is it necessary to stop my baby’s heart when the laminaria are inserted?

It is not necessary to stop a baby’s heart when inserting laminaria. It does prevent a mother from changing her mind.

If I have feelings of guilt or grief after the abortion, does the clinic provide help?

Many people report coldness and lack of sympathy from clinic staff.

Is it common to have regrets and sorrow? 

Often the most common feeling following an abortion is relief. However, this feeling does not always last

Each woman is unique as are the circumstances surrounding her decision.  Abortion is a decision that cannot be reversed. Once a baby is aborted, he or she cannot be brought back to life. Deep feeling of emptiness and sadness may follow immediately or can occur at various times following an abortion. Many women bury the experience, others suffer depression, longing for the baby, or face lifelong guilt or grief.

Does the doctor have hospital privileges? Is the doctor an OB/GYN?

Many abortion doctors do not have hospital privileges. Emergency room doctors are faced with handling the doctor’s abortion complications.

Who will be administering sedation? What medical field are they licensed in?

If your procedure requires anesthesia or sedation, those who administer either require special training and/or licensing and certification.

Are the doctor’s assistants certified medical assistants? Are they nurses?

A patient has the right to know if the clinic is staffed with qualified nurses, medical assistants, and doctors.

What is the name of the doctor who owns the clinic. What is his or her medical specialty?

Many abortion clinics are not owned by medical professionals. The abortion business can be very profitable and have attracted non-medical owners or investors and even a country and a western singer, .

What other options are there besides abortion?  & Are there agencies that can provide me assistance?

Abortion is not the only option. If a woman is not ready or able to parent, adoption offers her the opportunity to live and allow her baby to live. She is in control –she chooses the type of adoption (open, closed, or semi-open) and she picks the adoptive family she feels will love and raise her child.  Parenting is also an option. There are many pregnancy centers that can provide assistance and support to make parenting easier. They also provide referrals to other agencies that also provide assistance based on a woman’s specific needs.

What about Rape or incest? What options are offered?

Rape or incest victims are often encouraged to abort their baby. However, abortion adds another layer of hurt and harm to a woman. Not only has she endured terrible trauma but now she is being coached into taking the life of her child.  Abortion is traumatic –  physically and emotionally.  Adoption is a loving option that puts her in control. She is empowered to turn a tragedy into a gift of life. If she chooses to parent, again she wins. She embraces motherhood and gives her child life.

 When a woman becomes pregnant, it is no longer just about her, it is about her and her baby.

How To Contact Us

  • Use the ‘Get Help Now’ Contact Form
  • Choose the pregnancy center and city closest to you from the ‘Get Help Now’ menu
  • General information – email: Foundations of Life or call: 813-631-4398

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