february, 2021

2021mon22feb(feb 22)1:00 ammon31may(may 31)1:00 amFoundations of Life Virtual Walk/Run for Life 20211:00 am - (may 31) 1:00 am


Event Details


Due to continuing COVID -19 restrictions, the Foundations of Life Walk/Run for Life 2021 will be virtual again this year. Participate in our contest, organize a team/group walk, challenge others or get sponsors to pledge online!

Going Virtual will allow you to walk individually or organize a walk to raise awareness in your communities! You can also encourage others to participate individually or in teams. Now more than ever we are called to unite in an effort that will help others! Though apart, you can see and share in on the success of the Walk/Run for Life.

Place your $10.00Pre-Registration with Foundations of Life
Includes T-Shirt and Baby Feet
(You can pick up your T-shirts at any FOL center)

Register for the Walk/Run Today!

Registration for the Walk/Run includes this year’s Walk/Run for Life T-Shirt and baby’s feet pin, which can be picked up at one of our pregnancy centers. See the registration form for details.

Phone: Foundations of Life 813-631-4393

 Mail: Make payable to Catholic Charities and send to:

Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center

6515 N. Armenia Avenue

Tampa, FL 33604

$10.00 Registration Includes:

“Unique from Day One” T-shirt, Wristband & Pencil, Baby Feet Pin, & Bookmark

Sponsor the Event

Sponsorships are needed to fund the Walk/Run and contribute to our mission of providing services to those in need.

Sponsors are the Difference Makers!

Sponsorship Levels are:

Platinum $5,000

Gold $1,000

Silver $500

Bronze $250

Sponsors will be listed on Walk/Run for Life t-shirts and the Website

Create Awareness & Show your Support!

Donate ↓

Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center
6515 N. Armenia Avenue, Tampa, FL. 33604

Ph: 813-631-4393

Email: FoundationsOfLife.org


February 22 (Monday) 1:00 am - May 31 (Monday) 1:00 am